User Stories
Simulator Traces in REPL

Story 008: Simulator Traces in REPL

12023-05-05Igor Konnov

This is a UX design document for the interaction with states and traces in REPL. This document helps us to understand the user stories before implementing them.

Over the last months, we had several requests that could be unified under a common theme that is related to state and trace inspection.

This document is using kettle (opens in a new tab) as a running example. We assume that a Quint REPL session is run in the directory of the example:

$ cd ./tutorials/repl
$ quint
Quint REPL 0.9.1
Type ".exit" to exit, or ".help" for more information
>>> import kettle.* from "./kettle"

Story 1: Inspect the current state

As a protocol reader, I want to print the protocol state without remembering the names of the state variables, so I can discover which state variables are around and which values they carry.

Assume that we have initialized the protocol state with init:

>>> init

Current interface. Currently, we can inspect the state, by evaluating the variable names:

>>> temperature
>>> heatingOn
>>> beeping

However, it is often more convenient to see the value of all the state variables at once, e.g., when we do not remember them. The issues #446 (opens in a new tab) and #795 (opens in a new tab) highlight this idea.

A workaround is to introduce a definition like the following one:

// a handy definition that captures the state in a record
val kettleState = {
  heatingOn: heatingOn,
  beeping: beeping,
  temperature: temperature

Proposed interface. The simplest yet powerful interface is to introduce the system state as a record that is accessible via a standard name. We decided to use the name q::state. Here is an example:

>>> q::state
  beeping: false,
  heatingOn: false,
  temperature: 20,

Since q::state is simply a val, we would be do all kinds of programmatic things with it:

>>> q::state.fieldNames()
Set("beeping", "heatingOn", "temperature")
>>> q::state.temperature

Shortcut. Since typing q::state often may be tedious, we offer a shortcut *q::s for q::state.

Story 2: Inspect the trace

As a protocol reader, I want to print the sequence of states that were visited on the way to the current protocol state, so I can see how the system was progressing.

Assume that we have executed a few steps:

>>> init
>>> pressButton
>>> heat
>>> depressButton

Current interface. After executing a few steps, we can inspect the reached state. However, we would not be able to inspect the intermediate states, e.g., the states reached by executing init, then pressButton, then heat.

As mentioned in #446 (opens in a new tab), it would be great to observe the sequence of visited states. Currently, the only way to do that is by replaying the actions from the start and printing the intermediate states after executing every action.

Proposed interface. Similar to Story 1, we are proposing to use a standard name such as q::trace.

For the sequence init.then(pressButton).then(heat).then(depressButton), we expect q::trace to evaluate as follows:

>>> q::trace
  // 0
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 20 },
  // 1
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 20 },
  // 2
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 21 },
  // 3*
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 21 },

As we can see, q::trace is simply a value, which is printed as a syntactically correct Quint expression. We expect REPL to decorate it a bit with helpful comments: It should print the state numbers and highlight the active state (with a *). However, the fact that q::trace is a value, lets us to access it programmatically:

>>> q::trace.length()
>>> q::trace[3].temperature - q::trace[0].temperature

Shortcut. Since typing q::trace may be tedious, we offer a shortcut q::t for q::trace.

Story 3: Navigate the trace

As a protocol reader, I want to jump between the visited states in the trace, so I can evaluate invariants against them and explore different paths.

As in Story 2, assume that we have executed a few steps:

>>> init
>>> pressButton
>>> heat
>>> depressButton

Current interface. Assuming that q::trace from Story 2 is implemented, we should be able to see the intermediate states that are produced by the above sequence of actions. However, if we want to evaluate state invariants against the intermediate states, we have to replay the actions from start, e.g., by executing init, then pressButton, then heat.

Proposed interface. We introduce several actions for navigating the trace.

3.1. Jump

The following REPL session highlights the expected interface:

>>> init.then(pressButton).then(heat).then(depressButton)
>>> q::jump(2)
>>> q::state
{ beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 21 }
>>> // we can evaluate expressions against the state
>>> q::state.temperature > 20
>>> // the trace does not change
>>> // the star is pointing to the active state
>>> q::trace
  // 0
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 20 },
  // 1
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 20 },
  // 2*
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 21 },
  // 3
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 21 },

Importantly, q::jump does not modify the trace q::trace. Hence, we can jump forth and back in the current trace, without recomputing it. This is especially important, since some of the actions may be non-deterministic.

3.2. Continue trace from the active state

>>> // ...continue the above session
>>> heat
>>> // the trace continues from the active state
>>> q::hist
  // 0
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 20 },
  // 1
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 20 },
  // 2
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 21 },
  // 3*
  { beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 22 },

Note that when an action is evaluated, the trace beyond the active state is cleared, and the new state is added after the active state.

3.3. Clear the trace

The trace is accumulating the states, even when init is executed. Hence, at some point, we have to clear the trace:

>>> // ...continue the above session
>>> q::reset
>>> q::trace