Built-in Operators

Documentation for builtin


Signature: pure val Nat: Set[int]

The infinite set of all natural numbers.

Infinite sets cannot be enumerated. Hence some operators that require iteration may be unsupported.


Signature: pure val Int: Set[int]

The infinite set of all integers.

Infinite sets cannot be enumerated. Hence some operators that require iteration may be unsupported.


Signature: pure val Bool: Set[bool]

The set of all booleans

That is, Set(false, true)


Signature: pure def eq: (t, t) => bool

a.eq(b) is true when a and b are equal values of the same type.

It can be used in the infix form as == or as a named operator eq.


Signature: pure def neq: (t, t) => bool

a.neq(b) is true when a and b are not equal values of the same type.

It can be used in the infix form as != or as a named operator neq.


Signature: pure def iff: (bool, bool) => bool

p.iff(q) is true when p and q are equal values of the bool type.

This is the logical equivalence operator.


assert(iff(true, true))
assert(iff(false, false))
assert(not(iff(true, false)))
assert(not(iff(false, true)))


Signature: pure def implies: (bool, bool) => bool

p.implies(q) is true when not(p) or q is true.

This is the material implication operator.




Signature: pure def not: (bool) => bool

not(p) is true when p is false.

This is the negation opearator.


Signature: pure def exists: (Set[a], (a) => bool) => bool

s.exists(p) is true when there is an element in s that satisfies p.

This is the existential quantifier.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).exists(n => n == 2))
assert(not(Set(1, 2, 3).exists(n => n == 4)))


Signature: pure def forall: (Set[a], (a) => bool) => bool

s.forall(p) is true when all elements in s satisfy p.

This is the universal quantifier.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).forall(n => n > 0))
assert(not(Set(1, 2, 3).forall(n => n > 1)))


Signature: pure def in: (a, Set[a]) => bool is true when the element e is in the set s.

This is the set membership relation.

See also: contains


assert(, 2, 3)))
assert(not(, 2, 3))))


Signature: pure def contains: (Set[a], a) => bool

s.contains(e) is true when the element e is in the set s.

This is the set membership relation.

See also: in


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).contains(1))
assert(not(Set(1, 2, 3).contains(4)))


Signature: pure def union: (Set[a], Set[a]) => Set[a]

s1.union(s2) is the set of elements that are in s1 or in s2.

This is the set union operator.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).union(Set(2, 3, 4)) == Set(1, 2, 3, 4))


Signature: pure def intersect: (Set[a], Set[a]) => Set[a]

s1.intersect(s2) is the set of elements that are in both sets s1 and s2.

This is the set intersection operator.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).intersect(Set(2, 3, 4)) == Set(2, 3))


Signature: pure def exclude: (Set[a], Set[a]) => Set[a]

s1.exclude(s2) is the set of elements in s1 that are not in s2.

This is the set difference operator.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).exclude(Set(2, 3, 4)) == Set(1))


Signature: pure def subseteq: (Set[a], Set[a]) => bool

s1.subseteq(s2) is true when all elements in s1 are also in s2.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).subseteq(Set(1, 2, 3, 4)))
assert(not(Set(1, 2, 3).subseteq(Set(1, 2))))


Signature: pure def filter: (Set[a], (a) => bool) => Set[a]

s.filter(p) is the set of elements in s that satisfy p.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).filter(n => n > 1) == Set(2, 3))


Signature: pure def map: (Set[a], (a) => b) => Set[b] is the set of elements obtained by applying f to

to each element in s. I.e., { f(x) : x \in s}.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).map(n => n > 1) == Set(false, true, true))


Signature: pure def fold: (Set[a], b, (b, a) => b) => b

l.fold(z, f) reduces the elements in s using f, starting with z.

I.e., f(...f(f(z, x0), x1)..., xn).

The order in which the elements are combined is unspecified, so the operator must be associative and commutative or else it has undefined behavior.


val sum = Set(1, 2, 3, 4).fold(0, (x, y) => x + y)
assert(sum == 10)
val mul = Set(1, 2, 3, 4).fold(1, (x, y) => x * y)
assert(mul == 24)


Signature: pure def powerset: (Set[a]) => Set[Set[a]]

s.powerset() is the set of all subsets of s, including the empty set and the set itself.


assert(Set(1, 2).powerset() == Set(
  Set(1, 2)


Signature: pure def flatten: (Set[Set[a]]) => Set[a]

s.flatten() is the set of all elements in the sets in s.


assert(Set(Set(1, 2), Set(3, 4)).flatten() == Set(1, 2, 3, 4))


Signature: pure def allLists: (Set[a]) => Set[List[a]]

s.allLists() is the set of all lists containing elements in s. This is an infinite set unless s is the empty set.

Like other inifite sets, this is not supported in any execution/verification form.


assert(Set(1, 2).allLists().contains([]))
assert(Set(1, 2).allLists().contains([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1]))


Signature: pure def allListsUpTo: (Set[a], int) => Set[List[a]]

s.allListsUpTo(l) is the set of all lists of elements in s with length <= l

assert(Set(1, 2).allListsUpTo(1) == Set([], [1], [2]))
assert(Set(1).allListsUpTo(2) == Set([], [1], [1, 1]))


Signature: pure def chooseSome: (Set[a]) => a

s.chooseSome() is, deterministically, one element of s.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).chooseSome() == 1)
assert(Set(1, 2, 3).filter(x => x > 2).chooseSome() == 3)


Signature: pure def oneOf: (Set[a]) => a

s.oneOf() is, non-deterministically, one element of s.


nondet x = oneOf(Set(1, 2, 3))
assert(, 2, 3)))


Signature: pure def isFinite: (Set[a]) => bool

s.isFinite() is true when s is a finite set


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).isFinite())


Signature: pure def size: (Set[a]) => int

s.size() is the cardinality of s.


assert(Set(1, 2, 3).size() == 3)


Signature: pure def get: ((a -> b), a) => b

m.get(k) is the value for k in m.

If k is not in m then the behavior is undefined.


pure val m = Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false)
assert(m.get(1) == true)


Signature: pure def keys: ((a -> b)) => Set[a]

m.keys() is the set of keys in the map m.


pure val m = Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false)
assert(m.keys() == Set(1, 2))


Signature: pure def mapBy: (Set[a], (a) => b) => (a -> b)

s.mapBy(f) is the map from x to f(x) for each element x in s.


pure val m = Set(1, 2, 3).mapBy(x => x * x)
assert(m == Map(1 -> 1, 2 -> 4, 3 -> 9))


Signature: pure def setToMap: (Set[(a, b)]) => (a -> b)

s.setToMap() for a set of pairs s is the map from the first element of each pair to the second.


pure val m = Set((1, true), (2, false)).setToMap()
assert(m == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false))


Signature: pure def setOfMaps: (Set[a], Set[b]) => Set[(a -> b)]

keys.setOfMaps(values) is the set of all maps from keys to values.


pure val s = Set(1, 2).setOfMaps(set(true, false))
assert(s == Set(
  Map(1 -> true, 2 -> true),
  Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false),
  Map(1 -> false, 2 -> true),
  Map(1 -> false, 2 -> false),


Signature: pure def set: ((a -> b), a, b) => (a -> b)

m.set(k, v) is the map m but with the key k mapped to v if

If k is not a key in m, this operator has undefined behavior.


pure val m = Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false)
pure val m2 = m.set(2, true)
assert(m == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false))
assert(m2 == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> true))


Signature: pure def setBy: ((a -> b), a, (b) => b) => (a -> b)

m.setBy(k, f) is a map with the same keys as m but with k set to f(m.get(k)).

If k is not present in m, this operator has undefined behavior.


pure val m = Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false)
pure val m2 = m.setBy(2, x => !x)
assert(m == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false))
assert(m2 == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> true))


Signature: pure def put: ((a -> b), a, b) => (a -> b)

m.put(k, v) is the map m but with the key k mapped to v.


pure val m = Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false)
pure val m2 = m.put(2, true)
pure val m3 = m.put(3, true)
assert(m == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false))
assert(m2 == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> true))
assert(m3 == Map(1 -> true, 2 -> false, 3 -> true))


Signature: pure def append: (List[a], a) => List[a]

l.append(e) is the list l with the element e appended.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).append(4) == List(1, 2, 3, 4))


Signature: pure def concat: (List[a], List[a]) => List[a]

l1.concat(l2) is the list l1 with l2 concatenated at the end.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).append(List(4, 5, 6)) == List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))


Signature: pure def head: (List[a]) => a

l.head() is the first element of l.

If l is empty, the behavior is undefined.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).head() == 1)


Signature: pure def tail: (List[a]) => List[a]

l.tail() is the list l without the first element.

If l is empty, the behavior is undefined.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).tail() == List(2, 3))


Signature: pure def length: (List[a]) => int

l.length() is the length of the list l.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).length() == 3)


Signature: pure def nth: (List[a], int) => a

l.nth(i) is the i+1th element of the list l.

If i is negative or greater than or equal to l.length(), the behavior is undefined.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).nth(1) == 2)


Signature: pure def indices: (List[a]) => Set[int]

l.indices() is the set of indices of l.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).indices() == Set(0, 1, 2))


Signature: pure def replaceAt: (List[a], int, a) => List[a]

l.replaceAt(i, e) is the list l with the i+1th element replaced by e.

If i is negative or greater than or equal to l.length(), the behavior is undefined.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).replaceAt(1, 4) == List(1, 4, 3))


Signature: pure def slice: (List[a], int, int) => List[a]

l.slice(i, j) is the list of elements of l between indices i and j.

i is inclusive and j is exclusive.

The behavior is undefined when:

  • i is negative or greater than or equal to l.length().
  • j is negative or greater than l.length().
  • i is greater than j.


assert(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).slice(1, 3) == List(2, 3))


Signature: pure def range: (int, int) => List[int]

range(i, j) is the list of integers between i and j.

i is inclusive and j is exclusive.

The behavior is undefined when i is greater than j.


assert(range(1, 3) == List(1, 2))


Signature: pure def select: (List[a], (a) => bool) => List[a] is the list of elements of l that satisfy the predicate p.

Preserves the order of the elements.


assert(List(1, 2, 3).select(x -> x % 2 == 0) == List(2))


Signature: pure def foldl: (List[a], b, (b, a) => b) => b

l.foldl(z, f) reduces the elements in l using f, starting with z from the left.

I.e., f(f(f(z, x0), x1)..., xn).


pure val sum = List(1, 2, 3, 4).foldl(0, (x, y) => x + y)
assert(sum == 10)
pure val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4).foldl(List(), (l, e) => l.append(e))
assert(l == List(1, 2, 3, 4))


Signature: pure def iadd: (int, int) => int

a.iadd(b) is the integer addition of a and b.

It can be used in the infix form as + or as a named operator iadd.


Signature: pure def isub: (int, int) => int

a.isub(b) is the integer subtraction of b from a.

It can be used in the infix form as - or as a named operator isub.


Signature: pure def imul: (int, int) => int

a.imul(b) is the integer multiplication of a and b.

It can be used in the infix form as * or as a named operator imul.


Signature: pure def idiv: (int, int) => int

a.idiv(b) is the integer division of a by b.

It can be used in the infix form as / or as a named operator idiv.


Signature: pure def imod: (int, int) => int

a.imod(b) is the integer modulus of a and b.

It can be used in the infix form as % or as a named operator imod.


Signature: pure def ipow: (int, int) => int

a.ipow(b) is the integer exponentiation of a by b.

It can be used in the infix form as ^ or as a named operator ipow.


Signature: pure def ilt: (int, int) => bool

a.ilt(b) is the integer less than comparison of a and b.

It can be used in the infix form as < or as a named operator ilt.


Signature: pure def igt: (int, int) => bool

a.igt(b) is the integer greater than comparison of a and b.

It can be used in the infix form as > or as a named operator igt.


Signature: pure def ilte: (int, int) => bool

a.ilte(b) is the integer less than or equal to comparison of a and b.

It can be used in the infix form as <= or as a named operator ilte.


Signature: pure def igte: (int, int) => bool

a.igte(b) is the integer greater than or equal to comparison of a and b.

It can be used in the infix form as >= or as a named operator igte.


Signature: pure def iuminus: (int) => int

iuminus(a) is -1 * a.

This is the unary minus operator


Signature: pure def to: (int, int) => Set[int] is the set of integers between i and j.

i is inclusive and j is inclusive.

The behavior is undefined when i is greater than j.


assert( == Set(1, 2, 3))


Signature: temporal always: (bool) => bool

always(p) is true when p is true for every transition of the system.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Next = x' = x + 1
temporal Property = always(next(x) > x)


Signature: temporal eventually: (bool) => bool

eventually(p) is true when p is true for some transition of the system.

eventually(p) is equivalent to not(always(not(p))).


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Next = x' = x + 1
temporal Property = eventually(x == 10)


Signature: temporal next: (a) => a

next(a) is the value of a in the next state of a transition.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Next = x' = x + 1
temporal Property = next(x) == x + 1


Signature: temporal orKeep: (bool, a) => bool

orKeep(a, v) is true when a is true or the values for the set of variables v are unchanged.

orKeep(a, v) is equivalent to a or => next(x) == x).

This is the stuttering operator.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Next =  x' = x + 1
temporal Spec = Init and always(Next.orKeep(Set(x)))


Signature: temporal mustChange: (bool, a) => bool

mustChange(a, v) is true when a is true and the values for the set of variables v are changed.

mustChange(a, v) is equivalent to a and => next(x) != x).

This is the no-stuttering operator.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Next = any {
  x' = x + 1,
  x' = x,
temporal Spec = Init and always(Next.mustChange(Set(x)))
temporal Property = Spec.implies(always(next(x) > x))


Signature: temporal enabled: (bool) => bool

enabled(a) is true when the action a is enabled in the current state.

An action is enabled when all its preconditions are satisfied and it's postcontitions are satisfiable.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Under10 = all {
  x < 10,
  x' = x + 1,
action Over10 = all {
  x >= 10,
  x' = x + 1,
temporal Property = always(and {
  enabled(Under10) iff x < 10,
  enabled(Over10) iff x >=10,
var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action impossible = {
  nondet i = Set().oneOf()
  x' = i
temporal Property = always(not(enabled(impossible)))


Signature: temporal weakFair: (bool, a) => bool

weakFair(a, v) is true when eventually(always(a.mustChange(v).enabled())).implies(always(eventually(a.mustChange(v)))) is true.

This is the weak fairness condition.

The weak fairness condition can be expressed in English as (from Specifying Systems):

  1. It’s always the case that, if A is enabled forever, then an A step eventually occurs.
  2. A is infinitely often disabled, or infinitely many A steps occur.
  3. If A is eventually enabled forever, then infinitely many A steps occur.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Next = any {
  x' = x + 1,
  x' = x,
temporal Property = Next.weakFair(Set(x)).implies(eventually(x == 10))


Signature: temporal strongFair: (bool, a) => bool

strongFair(a, v) is true when always(eventually(a.mustChange(v).enabled())).implies(always(eventually(a.mustChange(v)))) is true.

This is the strong fairness condition.

The strong fairness condition can be expressed in English as (from Specifying Systems):

  1. A is eventually disabled forever, or infinitely many A steps occur.
  2. If A is infinitely often enabled, then infinitely many A steps occur.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action cycleTo1 = all { x == 0, x' = 1 },
action cycleTo0 = all { x == 1, x' = 0 },
action breakCycle = all { x == 0, x' = 2 },
action Next = any {
 x' = x,
// Strong fairness can be used to ensure breakCycle happens
temporal Property = breakCycle.strongFair(Set(x)).implies(eventually(x == 2))


Signature: action assign: (a, a) => bool

assign(n, v) is true when the state variable named n has the value v in the next state of a transition.

This operator is used to define transitions by specifying how the state variables change

Can be written as n' = v.


var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
// Next defines all transitions from a number to its successor.
action Next = x' = x + 1


Signature: action ite: (bool, a, a) => a

ite(c, t, e) is t when c is true and e when c is false.

Can be written as if (c) t else e.

Can be used with actions.


pure val m = if (1 == 2) 3 else 4
assert(m == 4)
var x: int
action a = if (x == 0) x' = 3 else x' = 4
run test = (x' = 0).then(a).then(assert(x == 3))


Signature: action then: (bool, bool) => bool

a.then(b) is true for a step from s1 to s2 if there is a state t such that

a is true for a step from s1 to t and b is true for a step from t to s2.

This is the action composition operator. If a evaluates to false, then a.then(b) reports an error. If b evaluates to false after a, then a.then(b) returns false.


var x: int
run test = (x' = 1).then(x' = 2).then(x' = 3).then(assert(x == 3))


Signature: action expect: (bool, bool) => bool

a.expect(b) is true for a step from s1 to s2 if

  • a is true for a step from s1 to s2, and
  • b holds true in s2.

If a evaluates to false, evaluation of a.expect(b) fails with an error message. If b evaluates to false, evaluation of a.expect(b) fails with an error message.


var n: int
run expectConditionOkTest = (n' = 0).then(n' = 3).expect(n == 3)
run expectConditionFailsTest = (n' = 0).then(n' = 3).expect(n == 4)
run expectRunFailsTest = (n' = 0).then(all { n == 2, n' = 3 }).expect(n == 4)


Signature: action reps: (int, (int) => bool) => bool

n.reps(i => A(i)) or n.reps(A) the action A, n times. The iteration number, starting with 0, is passed as an argument of A. As actions are usually not parameterized by the iteration number, the most common form looks like: n.reps(i => A).

The semantics of this operator is as follows:

  • When n <= 0, this operator does not change the state.
  • When n = 1, n.reps(A) is equivalent to A(0).
  • When n > 1, n.reps(A), is equivalent to A(0).then((n - 1).reps(i => A(1 + i))).


var x: int
run test = (x' = 0).then(3.reps(i => x' = x + 1)).then(assert(x == 3))


Signature: action fail: (bool) => bool evaluates to true if and only if action a evaluates to false.

This operator is good for writing tests that expect an action to fail.


Signature: action assert: (bool) => bool

assert(p) is an action that is true when p is true.

It does not change the state.


var x: int
run test = (x' = 0).then(3.reps(x' = x + 1)).then(assert(x == 3))
var x: int
action Init = x' = 0
action Next = x' = x + 1
run test = Init.then(all { Next, assert(x > 0) })


Signature: pure def q::debug: (str, a) => a

q::debug(msg, value) prints the given message and value to the console, separated by a space.

It also returns the given value unchanged, so that it can be used directly within expressions.


var x: int
>>> (x' = 0).then(3.reps(i => x' = q::debug("new x:", x + 1)))
> new x: 1
> new x: 2
> new x: 3