Interacting with REPL

REPL: Read-eval-print loop for Quint

A REPL (opens in a new tab) is a read-eval-print loop. A REPL is usually a good way to start learning a language. In Quint a REPL is also a good way to interact and understand a specification, and thus very helpful in designing and specifying systems (see Section 5 for an example how).

Most likely, you have seen a REPL before. If you had not, here is a simple state machine that describes how it works from the user's point of view:

REPL machine

1. Installation

You have to install quint first. See Getting Started.

2. Running REPL

Simply run the following command in the terminal:

$ quint

You will see the following output:

Quint REPL vN.N.N
Type ".exit" to exit, or ".help" for more information

You can type .help and then press <ENTER> for supported REPL commands.

3. Preloading definitions

In this tutorial, we are interactively constructing the module kettle.qnt (opens in a new tab). You can load this file in the VSCode Plugin (opens in a new tab) and read it, if you would like to have a better overview of the module that we are constructing. You can also load this file into REPL, if you only want to evaluate expressions without copying the definitions by hand:

$ quint -r kettle.qnt::kettle

When you load kettle.qnt this way, REPL prints true indicating that the module has been loaded successfully:


If you check the source of this markdown file, then you will see that it is written by following the principles of Literate programming (opens in a new tab), using the tool lmt (opens in a new tab). As a result, all definitions and the REPL session of this tutorial are automatically extracted from this file and checked with continuous integration. This approach may be useful to you, if you are writing your own protocol specifications in Markdown and like to connect it to Quint specifications.

4. Evaluating expressions

The core interaction with a REPL is to enter an expression and get back the result of its evaluation. Like this:

>>> 1 + 3

Or like this:

>>> Set(1, 2, 3).map(i => i * 2)
Set(2, 4, 6)

5. Writing definitions

In this tutorial, we are interactively constructing the module kettle.qnt that has the following structure:

// -*- mode: Bluespec; -*-
// The example from the REPL tutorial
module kettle {

We do not introduce this module in REPL, as REPL internally introduces an implicit module.

Whenever we write four leading spaces instead of >>> and ... , we append the contents to the file kettle.qnt. For example:

    // an example of a definition
    val isThisMyFirstDefinition = true

Do not forget to copy the definitions in REPL, if you want to reproduce the full REPL session without loading kettle.qnt.

4. Introducing values and definitions

Typing everything in a single expression can become tedious very quickly. To avoid that, you can introduce top-level definitions, which will be saved in the REPL context. For instance:

Let's declare two immutable values:

    // a constant value that always returns 100
    val boilingTemperature = 100
    // a constant value that always returns 0
    val freezingTemperature = 0

And we'll also define an operation to derive temperature in fahrenheit given a temperature in Celsius:

    // conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
    def fahrenheit(celsius) = celsius * 9 / 5 + 32

We can use the values and definitions in later expressions and declarations:

>>> fahrenheit(freezingTemperature)
>>> fahrenheit(boilingTemperature)
>>> => fahrenheit(celsius) == celsius)
>>> (-100).to(100).exists(celsius => fahrenheit(celsius) == celsius)

We can also write new definitions by referring to the previously defined operators:

    // the low range of a thermometer (fixed)
    val veryCold = fahrenheit(-40)
    // the high range of a thermometer (fixed)
    val veryHot = fahrenheit(40)

This is how REPL evaluates the expressions that use the above definitions:

>>> veryCold
>>> veryHot

Hint. At some point, you may want to copy & paste the above output back in REPL. Try it. REPL is smart enough to recycle its own output. Be careful though about not mixing the lines starting with '>>> ' or '... ' (which decorate your input in REPL) with other lines (which indicate the REPL output). If you do mix REPL input with REPL output, you may get syntax errors.

5. Describing a state machine

In its basic form, REPL allows us to evaluate expressions, which make it a great tool for learning the language. But REPL can do more for you: It can simulate a state machine. In this section, we interactively specify a model of an electric kettle:

An electric kettle

Informally, we can describe the most basic operation of a kettle like the one above with the following state machine (opens in a new tab):

State chart

If you think, "this diagram is not very realistic", you are right. We will extend it later.

5.1. Introducing state variables

In addition to definitions and values, we also declare state variables:

    // the current temperature in the kettle
    var temperature: int
    // is the kettle currently heating?
    var heatingOn: bool
    // is the kettle currently beeping?
    var beeping: bool

By default, a state variable is not assigned any value and a reference to a declared but unassigned state variable will produce a runtime error:

>>> temperature
runtime error: error: [QNT502] Variable temperature is not set
    var temperature: int
<undefined value>

5.2. Initializing state variables

Undefined state variables are not very useful. Hence, we have to introduce an action to initialize the state machine and move it forward. For instance, here is how we initialize our kettle:

    // a state initializer
    action init = all {
      temperature' = 20,
      heatingOn' = false,
      beeping' = false,

The action init is just an action definition, which can be applied later. To apply it, we simply type init:

>>> init

Note that REPL has evaluated this action to true. It means that the action has taken place. If it was evaluated to false, it would mean that something prevented the action from being applied; more on that later.

Now we can check that init has indeed initialized the state variables as expected:

>>> temperature
>>> heatingOn

To make it easier to see how our state evolves, let's also declare a value that collects all of our state variables in a single record:

    // a handy definition that captures the state in a record
    val kettleState = {
      heatingOn: heatingOn,
      beeping: beeping,
      temperature: temperature

If we evaluate kettleState in the current state, we should get the following output:

>>> kettleState
{ beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 20 }

5.3. Updating state variables with actions

Similar to how we introduced init, we introduce the action pressButton, which turns on the heating element of our kettle.

    // turn on the heating element
    action pressButton = all {
      heatingOn' = true,
      beeping' = false,
      temperature' = temperature,

Again, we have just defined the action pressButton, but that action is not applied automatically. To apply it, we simply type its name:

>>> pressButton

We can check our state variables to make sure that the action indeed took place:

>>> kettleState
{ beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 20 }

The heat is on now!

Interestingly, if we try to apply pressButton once again, it would not work, as indicated by the false result:

>>> pressButton

Indeed, we do not allow the button to be pressed again, if the heating is already on. In a physical kettle this is usually done mechanically, but in the abstract world of specs it is up to us, whether we allow for this behavior or not.

Similar to pressButton, we can define the failover action that turns off the kettle when the temperature reaches 100. If the value 100 makes you puzzled, call fahrenheit(100) in REPL ;-)

    // turn off the kettle when the temperature is too high
    action failover = all {
      temperature >= 100,
      heatingOn' = false,
      beeping' = true,
      temperature' = temperature,

If we apply failover to the current state, it will not execute:

>>> failover

Indeed, temperature is equal to 20 in the current state of REPL:

>>> temperature

To properly test failover, we should probably define the action heat in our spec. But since we are in REPL, we can also take a shortcut, by simply setting the state variables to the state we need:

>>> all { temperature' = 100, heatingOn' = true, beeping' = false }

This tells the simulator to apply an anonymous action, advancing the state in the way specified in the expression: It sets temperature to 100, heatingOn to true, and beeping to false. (You can double check that by evaluating the variables.) Note that not only we had to set the value of temperature, but also the values of heatingOn and beeping. If we had not done that, the values of heatingOn and beeping would have become undefined.

Now we can apply failover:

>>> failover
>>> heatingOn
>>> temperature
>>> beeping

To reset the state to the previous one, we can simply evaluate init and pressButton again (there is a better way to do that, which we will show later):

>>> init
>>> pressButton
>>> kettleState
{ beeping: false, heatingOn: true, temperature: 20 }

Now it is time to specify the action heat:

    // heat up the water by 1C
    action heat = all {
      temperature < 100,
      temperature' = temperature + 1,
      heatingOn' = true,
      beeping' = false,

By applying heat several times, we can see that it heats up the kettle a bit:

>>> heat
>>> temperature
>>> heat
>>> temperature
>>> heat
>>> temperature

5.4. Introducing control non-determinism

So far, our specification of a kettle had only one action that turns the heating element off, namely, the failover action. Normally, a kettle can be turned off without waiting until it boils to 100C. Hence, we add one more action depressButton in our diagram:

State chart 2

This action should be easy to define:

    // turn off the heating element
    action depressButton = all {
      heatingOn' = false,
      temperature' = temperature,
      beeping' = false,

Now we can execute four actions and observe that we managed to heat the kettle by 1 degree and turn it off:

>>> init
>>> pressButton
>>> heat
>>> depressButton
>>> kettleState
{ beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 21 }

Notice that our specification allows for a new interesting behavior. Evaluate the following expressions:

>>> all { heatingOn' = true, temperature' = 100, beeping' = false }
>>> depressButton
>>> kettleState
{ beeping: false, heatingOn: false, temperature: 100 }
>>> all { heatingOn' = true, temperature' = 100, beeping' = false }
>>> failover
>>> kettleState
{ beeping: true, heatingOn: false, temperature: 100 }

As we can see, both depressButton and failover can apply when the temperature reaches 100 and the heating is on. This makes sense in real life. If the temperature sensor in your kettle has not registered 100 degrees yet, and you depress the button, the heating element turns off. We do not want to introduce unnecessary details about precise time measurements and the physical processes in the kettle, so from our perspective both failover and depressButton may happen at the same time.

You can ask the question, whether it makes any difference when depressButton or failover are applied. Actually, it does: failover sets beeping to true, whereas depressButton sets beeping to false. Where did you get a beeping kettle from, Igor? Well, I bought a "smart" kettle, and nobody told me that it would beep in the middle of the night, when I would like to make a cup of tea. It's all good, I bought a "not-so-smart" kettle that is not beeping.

How do we describe in the specification that one of the actions may apply, whichever happens first, and we do not control which one? Quint has the operator any to do exactly this:

>>> all { heatingOn' = true, temperature' = 100, beeping' = false }
>>> any {
...   depressButton,
...   failover,
... }

The REPL implementation chooses one of the enabled actions pseudo-randomly. But in general, the language does not prescribe one way of choosing between simultaneously enabled actions. So we prefer saying that Quint evaluates any { ... } non-deterministically. To be precise, any { ... } describes control non-determinism, that is, it chooses how to continue the flow, but each of our actions behaves like a deterministic program. We will introduce data non-determinism in the next section.

Now it is time to define all possible transitions of the kettle in one place:

    // one step of the state machine
    action step = any {

Having defined step, we can conveniently execute steps without specifying the action that should be executed next:

>>> init
>>> step
>>> step
>>> step
>>> step

If we print the current state after executing four steps, we will see that the state is different from the initial one:

>>> kettleState
{ heatingOn: true, beeping: false, temperature: 21 }

Note: your REPL session may end up in a different state, due to randomness of nondet in REPL.

Exercise. Figure out how REPL ended up in the above state.

At some point, you may want to save particular sequences of actions. To see how to do it, read about Runs.

5.5. Introducing data non-determinism

If we look back at how we computed the initial state of our kettle, its temperature is always set to 20 (Celsius). Most likely, you are using your kettle under different temperatures too. Let's update the state diagram, to reflect the reality a bit better:

State chart 3

I never tried to melt ice with an electric kettle, but it should probably work as expected?

It looks like we have to describe multiple possible initial states that differ in temperature. This is how we can do that in Quint, specifying that the temperature should be somewhere in the range of -40 to 40 degrees:

    // initialize the state machine with non-determinism
    action initNondet = all {
      heatingOn' = false,
      nondet temp = oneOf((-40).to(40))
      temperature' = temp,
      beeping' = false,

Let's see how it works. Execute initNondet for the first time:

>>> initNondet

Here is an example of a state that we may get into:

>>> kettleState
{ heatingOn: false, beeping: false, temperature: -27 }

If we execute initNondet more, we obtain different states. Try it:

>>> initNondet
>>> kettleState
{ heatingOn: false, beeping: false, temperature: -40 }
>>> initNondet
>>> kettleState
{ heatingOn: false, beeping: false, temperature: 26 }

As you can see, initNondet does what we wanted: It chooses the initial temperature from the interval [-40, 40] and sets heatingOn and beeping to false. The magic is done by the special syntax form of Quint that looks like follows:

    nondet myElem = mySet.oneOf()

REPL randomly picks one of the elements from the set mySet and binds the name myElem to the chosen value. The name myElem can be used inside the expression expr, which usually contains an assignment. Whereas the Quint simulator used in the REPL chooses a set element pseudo-randomly, other implementations may handle non-determinism differently. That is why we say that the nondet-form specifies data non-determinism.

6. Saving and loading the REPL session

At this point, we have introduced a lot of definitions. It would be great to save them somewhere, so we do not have to type them again, if we accidentally close the REPL.

You can save the REPL session with the builtin command .save:

>>> .save kettle.qnt
Session saved to: kettle.qnt

This command saves all definitions and evaluated expressions in a file. You can edit this file in your editor of choice and load it back to REPL:

>>> .clear
>>> .load kettle.qnt

Note that if you start with a non-empty session, it's better to clear it with the command .clear before loading the session from the file. Otherwise, REPL may complain about conflicting definitions. If you want to combine definitions from several files, you can execute several .load commands without .clear between them.

If you tried to save and load your REPL sessions, you might have noticed that the .load command replayed all the expressions you have typed so far. In the current version, the expressions are saved inside comments, e.g.:

/*! (heatingOn, temperature, beeping) !*/

So if you do not want REPL to execute the previously typed expressions, you can just remove them from the file. As a note, the format may change in the future.

7. Further reading

We have not covered all REPL features in this tutorial. For example, you can execute concrete and randomized runs, as well as randomized tests. To see these features, check Tutorial 3.