Architecture Decision Records (ADRs)

ADR006: Design of modules and lookup tables

32023-03-20Igor Konnov

1. Summary

We propose a new syntax for modules and instances. Since this discussion was motivated by the implementation, we propose a minimal API for organizing various static information, including lookup tables.

2. Context

The module system for Quint has always been the second priority. It was mainly designed after TLA+ modules and instances, with a few cosmetic fixes. In the recent attempts to implement instances and lookup tables, we have found that our intuition around the behavior of modules and instances starts to break. Hence, we have decided to redesign this part of the language and the related parts of the implementation.

2.1. Current approach

From the high-level overview, the current pipeline looks as in the following figure:

2.1.1. Modules and imports

We encapsulate pure functional definitions in a distinct module (called fun below), and import its definitions in the module that specifies the general behavior of the state machine (called general below):

module fun {
  pure def dec(i) = i - 1
  pure def inc(i) = i + 1
module general {
  import fun.*
  // to be defined later

Currently, the lookup tables for fun and general look like that:

We define constants, variables, and actions of general as follows:

  const N: int
  var x: int
  action init = { x' = N }
  action step = { x' = dec(x) }

2.1.2. Instances

Having defined general, we define its fixed-size instances in the module fixed:

module fixed {
  module I3 = general(N = 3)
  module I5 = general(N = 5)
  action init3 = I3::init
  action init5 = I5::init
  import I3.*

We do not give detailed lookup tables here, as they tend to get too large too fast. We only highlight the essential parts of the lookup tables:

2.3. Deficiencies in the current design

Let us summarize all kinds of issues that we are experiencing with the current design.

2.3.1. D1: No identifiers for operator parameters

Let's have a look at the lookup table of fun that contains two parameter names, both called i. The operator parameters do not have their own identifiers. As a result, both lookup entries for i refer to the identifiers of their encompassing definitions, called def and inc, respectively. Hence, it is currently hard to refer to an operator parameter. Instead of referring to a parameter directly, we have to use the pair (definitionId,parameterName)(definitionId, parameterName).

2.3.2. D2: Using Map[string, ValueDefinition] for lookup

This is how a lookup table is currently defined:

export interface LookupTable {
  /* Names for operators defined */
  valueDefinitions: Map<string, ValueDefinition[]>
  /* Type aliases defined */
  typeDefinitions: Map<string, TypeDefinition[]>

The ValueDefinition is defined as follows:

export interface ValueDefinition {
  /* Same as QuintDef kinds */
  kind: ValueDefinitionKind
  /* The name given to the defined operator */
  identifier: string
  /* Expression or definition id from where the name was collected */
  reference?: bigint
  /* Optional scope, an id pointing to the QuintIr node that introduces the name */
  scope?: bigint
  /* Optional type annotation */
  typeAnnotation?: QuintType

The most obvious issue is that names are not unique identifiers in a module, since operators may have parameters and nested definitions that carry the same names. This is illustrated by the definitions of inc and dec in the module fun.

To deal with this issue, ValueDefinition contains an optional identifier called scope. This identifier is used to filter out the potential name clashes. This filtering happens on every lookup, which potentially slows down large specification. We could have done it once in the name resolution stage. This is tracked in the issue #625 (opens in a new tab).

2.3.3. D3: No distinction between variables produced by multiple instances

The lookup tables are currently tuned towards particular kinds of analysis such as type checking. They are not general enough to work other kinds of stages such as simulation: For simulation and translation to Apalache, it is important that I3::x and I5::x point to two different versions of x, whereas they currently point to the same variable.

2.3.4. D4: Confusing syntax of module instances

Recall how we produced new instances in our example:

module general {
  module I3 = general(N = 3)
  module I5 = general(N = 5)

In the earlier versions of the language, I3 and I5 were treated as modules. We have decided to remove support for nested modules in the issue #548 (opens in a new tab). As a consequence of this decision, the syntax of instances became surprising: It refers to the concept that is not supported by the language anymore.

The most obvious approach would be to replace the keyword module with instance. However, the keyword instance seems to produce false expectations that instances behave like objects. In Quint (as well as in TLA+), an instance is a copy of a module, in which some names are substituited with expressions. We feel that the keywords such as instance and extends are heavily overloaded in the PL world, so it would be better to avoid them.

3. Options

Option 1: Make IR classes rich and use references

A straightforward solution to the issue D2 would be to introduce the results of the analyses directly into the intermediate representation. For instance, we could extend QuintName with an optional type, an optional effect, an optional reference to the definition that the name refers to:

export interface QuintName extends WithId {
  /** Expressions kind ('name' -- name reference) */
  kind: 'name',
  /** A name of: a variable, constant, parameter, user-defined operator */
  name: string,
  /** an optional type computed by the type checker */
  _type?: QuintType,
  /** an optional reference to the definition */
  _ref?: QuintDef,
  /** an optional effect */
  _effect?: Effect,

This approach is perhaps the most computationally efficient one. We have seen compiler and static analysis frameworks that follow this approach. The issue with this approach is that this rich data structure may be modified in various places in the code. It is hard to see how this data structure is assembled and whether it is consistent.

One example of a rich IR is the SemanticNode and its descendants in the package semantic (opens in a new tab) of tlaplus (opens in a new tab). But this is just one example, many projects tend to introduce rich data structures.

Option 2: Keep the IR slim and use maps

The second option is to store the result of each analysis as Map<bigint, T>,were T is the analysis result that is assigned to an IR object with the respective identifier (of type bigint). The benefit of this approach is that the analyses are easier to add, compose, and remove. This approach is also similar to the mathematical reasoning about a static analysis framework. Additionally, this allows for different results of the same analysis (e.g., under different conditions) attached to the same IR object.

At the moment, we are inclined to use this approach.

Option 3: Provide an abstract API that imitates maps but stores in objects

In principle, we do not have to use Map<bigint, T> to store the results. If efficiency becomes an issue, we could store the analysis results as object fields, which is quite easy to do in JavaScript. However, the API would behave as a map, so the API would not provoke the user to access the analysis results as object fields.

4. Solution

The general design principle: All static analyses, including name resolution and type inference, should produce a map Map<bigint, T> as an output. In this map:

  • bigint is the unique identifier of an IR object. For example, the identifier of a definition or of a parameter.

  • T is a data structure representing the result of the analysis. For example, this could be the inferred type (for the type checker), the effect (for the effect checker), or the definition itself (for name resolution).

If we maintain this principle, it should be easy to add and remove analysis passes without the need to refactor and maintain a rich intermediate representation.

4.1. Addressing D1 and D2

To address the issue D1, we propose to simply introduce identifiers in the operator parameters. This rework is planned in issue 624 (opens in a new tab).

Let's revisit the definition of the module fun:

module fun {
  pure def dec(i) = i - 1
  pure def inc(i) = i + 1

Let's have a look at how the IR of dec should look like in JSON:

          "id": 4, "kind": "def", "name": "dec", "qualifier": "puredef",
          "expr": {
            "id": 4, "kind": "lambda",
            "params": [
              { "id": 10, "kind": "param", "name": "i" }
            "qualifier": "puredef",
            "expr": {
              "id": 3, "kind": "app", "opcode": "isub",
              "args": [
                { "id": 1, "kind": "name", "name": "i" },
                { "id": 2, "kind": "int", "value": 1 }

It is important to note that the parameter name i appears in two places in this data structure:

  • once in the parameter definition (carrying the id of 10), that is:

              { "id": 10, "kind": "param", "name": "i" }
  • once in the name (carrying the id of 1), that is:

              { "id": 1, "kind": "name", "name": "i" },

If we use identifiers instead of names in the lookup tables, then the table for fun would look as simple as:

Now, let's have a look at the module general:

module general {
  import fun.*
  const N: int
  var x: int
  action init = { x' = N }
  action step = { x' = dec(x) }

As you see, we do not change anything in the syntax. Similar to the table of fun, we organize the lookup table of general as follows:

The interesting outcome of this approach is that we do not need a separate lookup table per module. Since we are using unique identifiers as keys, we could simply produce a flat table for all modules.

4.2. Addressing the issue D3

To address the need for treating variables of different instances as different objects, we propose to introduce a new flattening stage in the pipeline:

The job of the flattener would be to clone all definitions of the instantiated module and tune them with the supplied expressions for the constants. Effectively, the flattener would transform the module fixed of our example into the following code:

module fixed {
  // the instance general(N = 3)
  // this is how `import fun.*` is transformed
  import fun as I3
  val I3::N = 3
  var I3::x: int
  action I3::init = { I3::x' = I3::N }
  action I3::step = { I3::x' = I3::dec(x) }
  // the instance general(N = 5)
  // this is how `import fun.*` is transformed
  import fun.* as I5
  val I5::N = 3
  var I5::x: int
  action I5::init = { I5::x' = I5::N }
  action I5::step = { I5::x' = I5::dec(x) }
  // import I3.* is not allowed, see Section 4.3

Note that the syntax import fun as I3 is not supported yet. However, it does not seem too be hard to implement, if it's needed at all.

4.3. Addressing the issue D4

We propose the new syntax for declaring an instance:

  // creating an instance and importing all names introduced in the instance
  'import' name '(' [name = expr (',' name = expr)*] ')' '.' '*'
  // creating an instance and importing all names with a prefix 
  'import' name '(' [name = expr (',' name = expr)*] ')' 'as' name

The last name may be replaced with _ to indicate that no prefix is required.

Using this syntax, our example looks like follows:

module fixed {
  import general(N = 3).*
  import general(N = 5) as I5
  import statelessModule as M

We believe that this syntax better reflects the nature of instances in Quint:

  • If a module does not have parameters, then there is no obvious need for creating a new instance. In this case, the syntax goes back to the standard import.

  • In the case one wants to create two identical copies of the same state machine, they can introduce a fake parameter such as the name of an instance.

  • All names of an instance are included into the namespace of the containing module, possibly with a prefix, e.g., I5.

  • Some names replaced with expressions, e.g., N.

Interestingly, it is hard to find a direct analogy of this construct in the modern programming languages. In TLA+, INSTANCE behaves as a safer version of C++ namespaces combined with #include, providing semantic tests for action operators.

One potential problem with the approach of using import-like behavior is that the names that are introduced via this construct are not automatically exported. We can imagine that sometimes automatic export would be useful. Actually, the same occurs in programming languages, e.g., in TypeScript. This is why TypeScript has the export import (opens in a new tab) combo. If we see a need for such behavior, we may add it in the future.